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Showing posts from February, 2024

On This Day: In Laredo Blogging

I decided to take another crack at it. I've been toying with this idea for some time after several people have randomly asked if I'm still writing for the blog, La Sanbe. The problem with me is that I get easily distracted nowadays, and it's easy to lose inspiration for writing. My only reward is the joy I get out of putting words together, gathering my thoughts on a subject, going back to edit, and so on. If I could do it all again, I think I would've pursued some sort of writing gig. But I digress. I'm not placing outrageous goals on myself. I'll try to post something on a weekly basis. Given that it's an election year, I MAY write more frequently. We'll see. Super Tuesday is a little over a week away. I'm gearing up to compose something for that day. It'll be related to the local political scene, of course. This is another first step in my blogging adventure. I hope we can share ideas and learn a thing or two. Take care fo